In this programming assignment, you are going to compute tf-idf again, but this time using Scala. We will show you how to write Stratosphere Operators in Scala in the respective subtasks. The explanations concerning the workings of tf-idf are the same as in Exercise 1, if you already did Exercise 1 you can skip them an go directly to the scala specifc part.
The following figure gives an overview of what we are going to do in each task:
You are first going to calculate the document frequency. That is, in how many documents each distinct word occurs. So if a document contains a word three times, it is counted only once for this document. But if another document contains the word as well, the overall frequency is two.
Besides this, you need to do some data cleansing on the input data. That is, accept only terms (words) that are alphanumerical. There is also a list of stopwords (provided by us) which should be rejected.
To achieve this, you need to implement a Mapper and a Reducer. The input file is
a regular text file that contains a line for each document. The schema of the
input file looks like this: docid, document contents
The Mapper is
called with the documents. So each call of the user function gets one line
(e.g. a document).
In Scala a lot of things can be accomplished by stringing together operations
on collections.
(See here
for a very good introduction to the Scala collections library.)
So in this case you would first split the line into the document id and the
actual document text. Then you should split and document text into words, this
gives you a collection of strings on which you can then apply operations to
arrive at your final result. The final result should be a collection of tuples
of (word, 1)
where every word is only represented once, even if it occurs
several times in the document.
Keep in mind that you can transform any collection into a set using
, thereby eliminating duplicates. A set is also a collection which
can be returned from a map operation.
Use the provided main()
method to test your code.
Task #1 is quite similar to the classical WordCount example, which is something like the "Hello World" of Big Data.
Implement a second Mapper that also reads in the documents from the same file.
This time, the output tuples shall look like this (docid, word, frequency)
The code required for this is very similar to the code for Task 1. This time,
though, you have to accumulate a count for the words in some sort of
Map structure. The output of this operation should be a collection of tuples
of (docId, word, count)
This task uses a new operator: Join. It has two inputs, namely the outputs from the previous tasks. We often refer to them as the left input and the right input.
The user code gets to inputs, namely a record from the left and a record from the right. So the join operation looks like this:
val tfIdf = documentFrequencies
.where { ... }
.isEqualTo { ... }
.map { (left, right) =>
Where left is a tuple of (word, freq)
and right is a tuple of
(docId, word, freq)
. Keep in mind that you can neatly extract from
tuples using:
val (word, freq) = left
The following pseudo code describes what your operator implementation must do to compute the tf-idf.
join( (word, df), (docid, word, tf)) {
tf_idf(word) = tf * log [Util.NUM_DOCUMENTS/df]
return (docid, word, tf_idf(word))
The output from the join should be a tuple of (docId, word, tf-idf)
Task 4: Custom Type and Weigths per Document
In this task we are going to use a custom data type, WeightVector
. This
stores a document id and an Iterator of tuples of (word, tf-idf)
. Using
a reducer you should collect all the tuples (docId, word, tf-idf)
create a single WeightVector that contains them all.
This reduce task takes the output of the join and groups it by the document ids
). Write the document id and the terms including their weight into the
Note that Iterators have a buffered
method that returns a BufferedIterator
This BufferedIterator
has a head
member that can be used to peek at
the first element in the iterator. You can use this to retrieve the docId
to retrieve the document id (which is the same for all tuples). Then you
can use methods on the buffered iterator to arrive at the collection of
(word, tf-idf)